Pavlik Lettinga
(NL)(March-June 1994) from Dept. of Biophysics, Univ. of Utrecht
(NL): Fluorescence Depolarization. Pavlik is now on the Scientific staff at
Soft Matter Julik.
Alexandros Vanakaras (GR): from Physics Department., University of Patras (GR): Theory and simulations of Dipolar liquid crystals
Christof Horn (DE), from Stuttgart University (ITAP) (DE): Computer simulations of Gay-Berne systems (November 1998 - June 1999).Now at ITAP, University of Stuttgart.
Luca Muccioli (IT): Modelling and Computer simulations of liquid crystals (January 1999 - December 1999)
Marco Cecchini (IT): Modelling and computer simulations of chiral liquid crystals (Oct. 2000- Sept. 2001) Marco has do (2002-2005) his PhD with Prof. Caflish at the University of Zuerich , Switzerland and is now in the group of Prof. M. Karplus in Strasburg, France.
Gregor Skacej (SI), Icarus fellow, from Dept. Physics, Ljubljana University, Slovenia (October 2000, October 2001) Computer simulation of lattice models of liquid crystals. Gregor then has obtained his PhD from Ljubljana in 2002.
Matteo Pappalardo (IT): Università di Catania. Matteo is from the group of Prof. Grasso and his work has concerned the Computer simulation of Biosystems (Nov 2001 - Dec 2001)
Frédéric Barmes (FR), TMR fellow, from the group of Dr. Doug Cleaver, Sheffield Hallam University, Department of Physics (February 2002-June 2002; September 2002) Fred has now (Jul 2003) obtained his Ph.D. in Sheffield and is now at CECAM, Lyon, FR.
Alberto Costantini (IT): Modelling and Computer simulations (15 Nov. 2002- 15 March 2003). Alberto is now working in industry.
Emmanuelle Hennebicq (BE), from Dept. Chimie des Matériaux Nouveaux, Université de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium(Oct 2003) Energy Transfer
Tiberio Giustiniano (IT): (Oct 2003-Dec 2003) Modelling and Computer simulations of liquid crystal systems
Ilaria Vecchi (IT): (Dec 2003) ESR studies of liquid crystal based complex systems.
Gaia Cesari (IT): (Sept 2004) Modelling and simulation of polymer systems.
Adriana Pietropaolo (IT) (October 2004-January 2005) Modelling and computer simulation of selected prion protein fragments. Adriana is from University of Catania (Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, group of Prof. E. Rizzarelli) and is preparing her "Diploma di Licenza" for the Scuola Superiore di Catania.
Laurence Ellison (UK) (8 April- 21 May 2005) . Laurence is from the group of Dr. Doug Cleaver, Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, UK and visited us and CINECA supercomputer Centre for a collaboration supported by the HPC-Europa scheme.
Marco Mazzeo (IT): (9 May 2005 - 9 Aug 2005) Computer simulations. Parallel computing. Marco has spent a few months at EPCC, Edinburgh, as HPC-Europa fellow and then developing parallel codes within EU-NAIMO. Marco has then moved (since October 2005) to UCL, London, doing a PhD, in the group of Prof. P. Coveney.
Sholto McLaren (UK) (Sept. 1 - Nov.4 2005). Sholto is from the group of Prof. Neville Boden and Richard Busby in Leeds University and is completing his PhD on the synthesis and modelling of discotics. He has been visiting us with a HPC-Europa grant
Antonio Pizzirusso (IT) (Dec. 2005) Modelling Surfaces and their interactions with liquid crystals within NAIMO. Antonio has now (2006) started his Ph.D. in the group.
Yoann Olivier (BE) (1 May 2006- 15 June 2006) Yoann is from the group of Prof. J. Cornil, Dept. Chimie des Matériaux Nouveaux, Université de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium.
Isabella Miglioli (IT) (22 May 2006 - 31 Dec 2006). Isabella has got her Laurea in Industrial Chemistry with the supervision of Prof. A. Hockoeppler working, mainly at ETH Zurich, on a thesis on the Supramolecular aggregation of amphiphilic peptides. Isabella has been collaborating with us first within the EU project NAIMO and then within PRRIITT Nanofaber.
Sai Preeti Gouripeddi (India), (19 Oct 2006- 12 Dec 2006) Lattice models of biaxial liquid crystal systems, Sai is from the group of Prof. Sastry, Department of Physics, University of Hyderabad, India and was visiting our group in the framework of the Italian-Indian Bilateral collaborative project.
Maria Beatrice Di Cicco (IT) (May 2006- December 2006) Beatrice has got her Laurea in our group working on modelling of solutes. Beatrice was supported by a PRRIITT Nanofaber (“Laboratorio di nanofabbricazione per l'Emilia Romagna”) fellowship. She is now working in Industry.
Matteo Savini (IT) (1 Feb 2007 - 31 Dec 2007). Matteo has obtained his Laurea in Biotechnology with top marks, working with Prof. S. Ciurli, on Molecular and computational approaches for the study of some proteins, and has been working with us on Modelling and Simulations. Matteo has now moved to work in a firm.
Dr. Juho Lintvuori (FI): (26 Sept. -26 Oct. 2008) Juho is visiting from the groups of prof. Mark Wilson in Durham, UK, where he was doing his Ph.D. with the support of HPC-Europa. Juho is now working in Edinburgh.
Masanao Goto (Japan): (3 Oct - 14 Nov. 2008) Masanao has been visiting us from the laboratory of Prof. Takezoe and Ishikawa, Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan where he was currently completing his Ph.D. After his Ph.D. masanao went to work in Industry.
Idé (FR)
17 Jan 2011 - 4 March 2011) Julien is from
de Bordeaux, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Bordeaux, France
and is currently doing a joint Ph.D. at U. Bordeaux (Prof. F.
Castet) and UMH, Mons, (Prof. D. Beljonne). He has been visiting us with a HPC-Europa
grant .
Breuers (DE) (Sep 2011 - Nov 2011): Sebastian
has a diploma in Biology from the University of Cologne. He is now doing his
PhD in the group of Prof H.-G. Schmalz with the guidance of Dr. D. Blunk. Supported
by the HPCEuropa program (2nd phase) he is currently computationally investigating
the physical properties of inositol derived liquid crystalline derivatives.
Manuel Vieider (IT) (16 April 2012 - 8 June 2012) Manuel is visiting from the group of Prof. Egbert Zojer, Institut of Solid State Physics, TU Graz (Austria) to work on SAM simulations and characterization with support from HPC Europa.
Iris Hehn (Feb 2014) Iris has visited us from the group of Prof. E. Zojer, TU University, Graz, Austria
Choi Si (October-December 2015) Choi is visiting us from the lab of Prof. N. Cann, Queens University, Ontario, Canada for a collaboration on molecular dynamics simulations.
Alex Micas (Oct 2016-Jun 2017). Alex has joined our group from University of Edinburgh to do his Master thesis project on Computer Simulations.