Molecular Aspects of Liquid Crystals,
Southampton University, UK, 22 October 1975.
Statistical Mechanics of Liquid Crystals,
NATO-ASI, The Molecular Physics of Liquid Crystals, Cambridge University,
Cambridge, UK, 23 and 24 August 1977.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals,
NATO-ASI, The Molecular Physics of Liquid Crystals, Cambridge University,
Cambridge, UK, 30 and 31 August 1977.
Cristalli Liquidi, il Quarto Stato della
Materia, Istituto Chimico, Universita', SCI-Sez. Sarda, Cagliari, 8 March
Tecniche di Scattering di Neutroni
e Raggi X in Cristalli Liquidi, Istituto Chimico, Universita', Cagliari,
9 March 1978.
Teoria dei Cristalli Liquidi, Laboratorio
di Chimica Quantistica del CNR, Pisa, 14 June1978.
Metodi matematici per il trattamento
di problemi orientazionali, Istituto Predipartimentale di Didattica e
di Ricerca, Universita', Bologna, April 1978.
Teoria Statistica della Fase Nematica,
Istituto Predipartimentale di Didattica e di Ricerca, Universita', Bologna,
April 1978.
Simulazioni al Calcolatore: Il metodo
Monte Carlo, Istituto Predipartimentale, Universita', Bologna, April
Simulazioni al Calcolatore: Il metodo
Molecular Dynamics, Istituto Predipartimentale, Universita', Bologna,
April 1978.
Tecniche di Risonanza Magnetica (NMR,
ESR), Istituto Predipartimentale, Universita', Bologna, April 1978.
Rilassamento Dielettrico e Costante
Dielettrica, Istituto Predipartimentale, Universita', Bologna, April
Tecniche di Scattering, Bologna,
Istituto Predipartimentale di Didattica e di Ricerca, Universita', Bologna,
April 1978.
Fluorescence Depolarization in Anisotropic
Media, Chemistry Department, University of Southampton, UK, 19 January
Simulazioni al Calcolatore di Cristalli
Liquidi, Universita' di Pisa, Istituto di Fisica, Pisa, 14 June 1979.
Polarizzazione della Fluorescenza in
Cristalli Liquidi e Membrane, Universita' della Calabria, Istituto di
Fisica, Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza), 14 May 1980.
Il metodo degli Spin Probes nello studio
di Cristalli Liquidi e Membrane, Universita' della Calabria, Istituto
di Fisica, Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza), 15 May1980.
Depolarizzazione di Fluorescenza dipendente
dal tempo in Cristalli Liquidi e Membrane: un Approccio Teorico, Universita'
di Parma, Istituto di Fisica, Parma, 28 May 1980.
Proprieta' Statiche e Dinamiche dei
Cristalli Liquidi, Istituto di Chimica Quantistica del CNR, Pisa, 8 July1980.
Fluorescence Depolarization in Membranes,
Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, Laboratorium voor Fysiologie, Leiden, NL, 8 September
Fluorescence Depolarization in Liquid
Crystals and Membranes, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Fysisch Laboratorium,
Utrecht, NL, 9 September 1980.
Computer Simulation in Model Anisotropic
Systems (Liquid Crystals), Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, Gorlaeus Laboratory
for Chemistry, Leiden, NL, 11 September 1980.
The Spin Probe Technique in Liquid
Crystals and Membrane Investigations, Fysisch Laboratorium, Rijksuniversiteit
Utrecht, Utrecht, NL, 16 September1980.
Computer Simulations in Model Anisotropic
Systems, Technische Hogenschool Twente, Enschede, NL, 17 September 1980.
Computer Simulations in Model Anisotropic
Systems (Liquid Crystals),Laboratorium voor Algemene Natuurkunde, University
of Groningen, Groningen, NL, 18 September 1980.
Fluorescence Depolarization in Liquid
Crystals and Membranes, University of Southampton, UK, 7 November 1980.
Cristalli Liquidi: Quarto Stato di Aggregazione
della Materia, Sez. Emiliana della Societa' Chimica Italiana, Istituto
Chimico G. Ciamician, Bologna, 19 March 1981.
Funzioni di Distribuzione e Parametri
d' Ordine, Istituto di Fisica (Scuola di Specializzazione in Fisica),
Università, Pisa, 8 April 1981.
N.M.R. in Cristalli Liquidi, Istituto
di Fisica (Scuola di Specializzazione in Fisica, Università, Pisa,
9 April 1981.
Rilassamento Dielettrico in Sistemi
Ordinati, Istituto di Fisica (Scuola di Specializzazione in Fisica),
Università, Pisa, 22 April 1981.
Depolarizzazione di Fluorescenza in
Sistemi Ordinati, Istituto di Fisica (Scuola di Specializzazione in Fisica),
Università, Pisa, 23 April 1981.
Polarizzazione di Fluorescenza in Membrane,,
Riunione SIBPA. Sez. T.U.M., Istituto di Biofisica del CNR, Pisa, 24 April
Funzioni di Distribuzione e Parametri
d' Ordine, Universita' della Calabria, Scuola Cristalli Liquidi GNCL-UNICAL,
10-21 September 1981
Simulazioni al Calcolatore, Scuola
Cristalli Liquidi GNCL-UNICAL, Universita' della Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende
(Cosenza), 10-21 September 1981.
Depolarizzazione di Fluorescenza,
Scuola Cristalli Liquidi GNCL-UNICAL, Universita' della Calabria, Arcavacata
di Rende (Cosenza), 10-21 September 1981.
Molecular Dynamics of a Model Anisotropic
System, University of Southampton, Chemical Physics Group, Southampton,
UK, 20 November 1981.
Ordine e Dinamica in Cristalli Liquidi
e Membrane, Istituto di Fisica del Politecnico,Torino, 21 July 1982.
Order Parameters and Orientational
Dynamics in Anisotropic Systems, Scuola Nazionale GNCB-SIBPA, Corso:
Applicazioni Biochimiche della Spettroscopia di Fluorescenza. Università,
Parma, 5-17 September 1982.
Fluorescence Depolarization Through
Rotational Motion, Scuola Nazionale GNCB-SIBPA, Corso: Applicazioni
Biochimiche della Spettroscopia di Fluorescenza, Università, Parma,
5-17 September 1982.
Theory of Fluorescence Depolarization
in Oriented Systems, Trondheim, Fysisk Institutt, NLHT, Universitetet,
NO, 17 November 1982.
Depolarizzazione di Fluorescenza in
Membrane Biologiche, Istituto di Chimica Biologica, Sapienza Universita',
Roma, 14 January 1983.
Studi di Ordine e Dinamica in Cristalli
Liquidi, Istituto di Chimica Fisica, Universita', Padova, 25 February
Order and Dynamics in Liquid Crystals
and Membranes, National Research Council, Ottawa (CA), 24 March 1983.
Simulazione al Calcolatore di Cristalli
Liquidi, Istituto di Fisica, Universita', Pisa, 27 April 1983.
Quantitative Description of Orientational
Order: Rigid Molecules, NATO-ASI Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid
Crystals, S. Miniato, 28 July 1983.
Order Parameter Formalism for Non-Rigid
Molecules, NATO-ASI Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid Crystals,
San Miniato (Pisa), 29 July 1983.
La tecnica di Depolarizzazione di Fluorescenza
per lo studio di membrane, Istituto di Chimica Biologica, Universita',
Bologna, 10 April 1984.
Order and Dynamics in Liquid Crystals,
First Chianti Workshop on Magnetic Resonance: Electron and Nuclear Relaxation
Phenomena, San Miniato (Pisa), 18 May 1984.
Theory of Fluorescence Polarization
Anisotropy, NATO-ASI Excited State Probes in Biochemistry and Biology,
Acireale (Catania), 25 September 1984.
Simulazioni Monte Carlo di sistemi
ordinati, Istituto di Fisica, Università, Bologna, 21 March 1985.
Ordine e dinamica in cristalli liquidi,Istituto
di Fisica, Università, Parma, 17 May 1985.
Theory of Fluorescence Depolarization,
BRSG-BLCG meeting on Biological Membranes and other Liquid Crystals,
Southampton, UK, 23 September 1985.
Potenziali di interazione modello e
simulazioni di sistemi anisotropi, XX corso GNSM: Fisica dei Liquidi,
Università, Camerino (Macerata),18 October 1985.
Simulazione al calcolatore del modello
di Lebwohl - Lasher, Convegno Chimica Teorica, Trieste, 10
December 1985.
Monte Carlo simulations of Liquid Crystal
models, Chemistry Department, The University, Southampton, UK, 7 May
Computer Simulation of Liquid Crystal
models, meeting on ``Collision Induced Phenomena and Microdynamics
of Liquids", 24 June 1986.
Simulazioni Monte Carlo di modelli
per strutture liquido cristalline, Dip. di Chimica Fisica, Università,
Bologna, Meeting : Teorie di proprieta' e di processi molecolari,
21 May 1987.
Ordine e dinamica in cristalli liquidi.
Polarizzazione di fluorescenza, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università,
Parma, 12 June 1987.
Computer simulations of liquid crystal
lattice models CECAM, Orsay, FR, 9 September 1987.
Fluorescence Depolarization, I
Incontro bilaterale Italia - URSS "Cristalli Liquidi",
Ancona, 30 September -2 October 1987
Order parameters, NATO-ASI, Rimini,
11-23 October 1987.
Fluorescence Depolarization in liquid
crystals, NATO-ASI, Rimini, 11-23 October 1987.
Fluorescence Depolarization in liquid
crystals, Trondheim (NO), 9 December 1987 .
Depolarizzazione di Fluorescenza in
Sistemi Anisotropi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 28 January 1988.
La descrizione dell' ordine in cristalli
liquidi, Istituto Donegani, Novara, 21 March 1989.
Anisotropic Interactions in Liquid
Crystal Solutions, Workshop on Intermolecular Forces and Collective
Excitations in Condensed Matter, Bologna, 19 April 1989.
Orientational and Internal Order in
Rotameric Molecules, 3rd Chianti Workshop, San Miniato, 1 June 1989.
Polarizzazione di Fluorescenza in Sistemi
Anisotropi, Convegno GNCL, Cetraro, 16 June 1989.
On the description of ordering in liquid
crystals, NATO ASI, The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals,
Il Ciocco (Lucca), 10-23 September, 1989.
The description of orientational dynamics
in liquid crystals, NATO ASI, The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals,
Il Ciocco (Lucca), 10-23 September, 1989.
Fluorescence depolarization in liquid
crystals, NATO ASI, The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals,
Il Ciocco (Lucca), 10-23 September, 1989.
Ordine orientazionale e ordine interno
in molecole con rotazioni intramolecolari, CISCI 89, Convegno S.C.I.,
Perugia, 9 October 1989.
Simulazione al calcolatore di modelli
di cristalli liquidi, Istituto G. Donegani, Novara, 14 December 1989.
Computer simulations of model liquid
crystals, 3rd Italy-USSR bilateral meeting on The Physics of Liquid Crstals
and Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Catania, 22 May 1990.
Monte Carlo simulations of simple liquid
crystal models, AICF, Maratea (Potenza),9-12 October 1990.
Computer simulation of simple lattice
models of liquid crystals, NATO ARW, Computer simulation of liquid
crystals, Il Ciocco (Lucca), 15-21 September 1991.
Monte Carlo simulations of phase transitions
in model liquid crystals, CISCI 91 - MS 23: Problemi di calcolo di
equilibrio e speciazione in sistemi complessi, Chianciano (Siena), 6-11
October 1991.
Determination of structural and dynamical
properties from fluorescence depolarization in anisotropic media, Convegno
GNSR, Firenze, 27-28 November 1991.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals,
Sheffield Polytechnic, Sheffield, UK, 11 December 1991.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals,
H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University, Bristol, UK, 13 December 1991.
Maximum Entropy Internal
Order approach to the study of intramolecular rotations in liquid crystals,
Faraday Symposium 27 on "The conformation of flexible molecules in
fluid phases"
Chilworth, Southampton, UK, 16-18 December 1991.ntropy Internal Order
approach to the study of intramolecular rotations in liquid crystals,
Simulazione al calcolatore di modelli
di cristalli liquidi, Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica ed Elettrochimica,
Università, Milano, 30 April 1992.
Computer simulations of simple model
liquid crystals, Faculty of Science, The University, Southampton, UK,
6 May 1992.
Fluorescence depolarization in oriented
systems, Department of Chemistry, The University, Southampton, UK, 6 May
Ordine e dinamica molecolare in liquidi
anisotropi, Scuola Residenziale di Dinamica Molecolare, Villa Colombella,
Perugia, 4 June 1992.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals:
bulk and confined nematics, 14th International Liquid Crystal Conference,
Pisa, 22 June 1992.
Monte Carlo simulation of molecular organization
in model nematic droplets, ECME92 (European Conference on Molecular Electronics),
Padova, 26 August 1992.
Cenni di spettroscopia ESR in cristalli
liquidi, II Scuola di Spettroscopia di Spin Elettronico del GIRSE, Marcelli
(Ancona), 20-27 September 1992.
Monte Carlo simulation of molecular organization
in model nematic droplets, ALCOM/IMA Conference "Computational
problems in liquid crystals", Kent State University, OH, USA, 14
November 1992.
Sistemi molecolari organizzati simulazioni
al calcolatore e proprietà, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università,
Firenze, 8 April 1993.
Supporto alla ricerca in ambito CE. Il
progetto Human Capital and Mobility, Conv. AICF, Dipartimento di Chimica,
Sapienza Università, Roma, 9 June 1993.
Simulazione al calcolatore di modelli
di cristalli liquidi e transizioni di fase, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università,
Perugia, 11 January 1994.
Computer simulations of model liquid
crystals, Workshop ``Liquid crystals and Allied Systems", Dipartimento
di Ingegneria, Università, Pisa, 7 April 1994.
Recent developments in the molecular
theories and simulations of liquid crystals, Plenary Lecture, 15th International
Liquid Crystal Conference, Budapest, HU, 3-8 July 1994.
Computer simulation of some Gay-Berne
liquid crystals. CCP5 meeting 'Order in liquids', Sheffield Hallam University,
Sheffield, UK, 5-7 September 1994.
Materiali liquido cristallini: proprietà
e simulazioni al calcolatore, V Scuola di Scienza dei Materiali INFM,
Mesagne (Brindisi), 3-14 October 1994.
Cristalli liquidi, Seminario Nazionale
di Chimica Fisica, Villa Gualino, Torino, 23-27 October 1994.
Conformational determinations from NMR
data using Maximum Entropy methods, Workshop "Computing Data and
Simulation in NMR Spectroscopy", Firenze, 28-30 November 1994.
Cristalli liquidi: un quarto stato della
materia, Università Formazione Permanente, Ravenna, 21 March 1995.
Monte Carlo simulation of liquid crystal
models, ENEA Casaccia, Roma, 7 April 1995.
Liquid crystals: models and simulations,
Bologna-Israel meeting, Dip. Chimica G.Ciamician, Universita', Bologna, 29-30
May 1995.
Computer simulations of liquid crystals
, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, 6-7 June 1995.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals,
Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität, Mainz, DE, 19 June
Monte Carlo simulation of some Gay-Berne
liquid crystals, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität, Kaiserslautern,
DE, 20 June 1995.
Monte Carlo simulations of Gay-Berne
liquid crystals, Workshop "Modeling and simulation of Structure
Formation in liquid crystals, Polymers and their Mixtures" NIST,
Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 26-28 June 1995.
Monte Carlo simulations of model liquid
crystals, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University,
NY, USA, 15 December 1995.
Simulazione al calcolatore di materiali
liquido-cristallini, ENEA-INCM Meeting "Chimica dei Materiali
per l' Innovazione", Roma, 6 March 1996.
Computer simulation of polar and non-polar
liquid crystal, Technische Universität, Berlin, DE, 30 April 1996.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals,
University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 7 June
Computer simulations of liquid crystals,
16th ILCC, Kent State, OH,USA, 23 June 1996.
Cristalli liquidi, III Scuola di
Spettroscopia di Spin Elettronico del GIRSE, Brallo di Pregola (Pavia), 5
October 1996.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals,
Applied Mathematics Workshop for Materials Studies and Industrial Applications,
Penn State Univ, PA, USA, 24-26 October 1996.
Liquidi complessi e cristalli liquidi:
dalle simulazioni numeriche alle applicazioni, Conferenze della Facolta'
di Scienze, Dip. di Chimica G. Ciamician, Università, Bologna, 27 November
Introduzione alla dinamica molecolare
in liquidi e cristalli liquidi, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università
di Perugia, 26 August 1997.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals,
EUCO-CC2, Second European Conference on Computational Chemistry, Lisboa, PT,
2-6 September 1997.
Gay-Berne liquid crystals: a growing
family, Department of Physics, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 30 October 1997.
Introduzione alla simulazione al calcolatore
di cristalli liquidi, Università della Calabria, Arcavacata di
Rende (Cosenza), 19-20 November 1997.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals,
Dept. of Chemistry, Imperial College, London,UK, 5 May 1998.
Liquid crystal observables: static and
dynamic properties, NATO ASI Advances in the Computer simulations of
liquid crystals, Erice (Trapani), CCSEM, 11- 21 June 1998.
Computer simulation of model liquid crystals:
discs and columns, Symposium "Discs and Columns in liquid crystals"
in honour of Prof. K. Praefcke, Technische Universität, Berlin, DE, 25
June 1998.
Serie di lezioni su: Modellizzazione
al calcolatore: dalle molecole ai sistemi complessi, Scuola
Universitaria Superiore, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori,
Pavia, November- December, 1998.
Simulazione al calcolatore
di modelli per cristalli liquidi, Dipartimento di Matematica,
Università, Pavia, 3 December 1998.
Progettazione e modellizzazione
di cristalli liquidi, Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica, Università,
Pavia, 17 December 1998.
Computer simulations of liquid crystals.
Answers or questions?, Meeting "Molecular Physics of Liquid Crystals:
Recollections and Perspectives", ISLC, Erice (Trapani), 7-8 May 1999
Computer simulations of Gay-Berne liquid
crystal models, INFM Meeting, Catania, 14-18 June 1999.
Modelli e simulazioni di cristalli liquidi,
Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Università, Pisa, 23
September 1999.
Computer simulation and molecular design
of model liquid crystals, Coimbra Group Universities, German – Italian
Meeting:Chemistry at the Beginning of the Third Millennium,Pavia, Collegio Nuovo, 7 – 10 October 1999.
Computer simulations of liquid crystals.
Answers or questions?, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux,
Strasbourg, FR, 2 December 1999.
Computer simulations of liquid crystals,
TMR SILC Network School, Introduction to Theory and Modeling of Thermotropic
liquid crystals, Portoroz, SLO, 15-18 April 2000.
Modelling and computer simulation of
liquid crystals, Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Physik,
Universität Stuttgart, DE, 23 May 2000.
Modelling and computer simulation of
liquid crystals, Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Kaiserslautern,
DE, 25 May 2000.
Progettazione molecolare e simulazione
al calcolatore di nuove mesofasi. XX Congresso Nazionale della Società
Chimica Italiana, Rimini, 4-9 June 2000.
Monte Carlo simulation of Topological
Defects in Schlieren Textures of Biaxial and Uniaxial liquid crystals,
18th International liquid crystal Conference, Sendai, Japan, July 2000.
Simulazione al Calcolatore di Fasi Condensate,
Scuola di Modellistica Computazionale di Sistemi Complessi: Materiali,
Interfasi e Sistemi di Interesse Biologico, Perugia, 27 August-2 September
Introduction to the computer simulations
of liquid crystals, NATO ARW "Computer simulations of Defects
in liquid crystals including their Relation to Theory and Experiment",
Erice (Trapani), 19-23 September 2000
Computer simulations and defects in uniaxial
and biaxial liquid crystal films, NATO ARW "Computer simulations
of defects in liquid crystals including their relation to theory and experiment",
Erice (Trapani), 19-23 September 2000.
Molecular design and computer simulations
of novel mesophases, CECAM Workshop: "Computational Methods for the
simulation of organic and organometallic condensed phases", Lyon, FR,
June 28 - June 30, 2001.
Molecular design and computer simulations
of novel mesophases. Fourth Materials Chemistry Discussion Meeting (MD4)
on "Molecular topology in liquid crystals", Grasmere, UK, 11-14
September 2001.
Modellazione e progettazione molecolare
di nuove mesofasi, Scuola Materiali INFM-INSTM, Genova, 28 September 2001.
Molecular models and simulations of novel
mesophases. CSE 2001 Workshop on Advanced Methods and Tools for Computational
Science and Engineering, ENEA, Roma, 10-12 October 2001.
Modelling and computer simulation of
liquid crystals, International School of Liquid Crystals, 5th Course,
"Modeling of Complex Systems: From Single Molecules to Anisotropic
Fluids and Beyond", Erice (Trapani), 22-26 October 2001.
Simulazioni al calcolatore di cristalli
liquidi e delle loro transizioni di fase, Dipartimento di Chimica Strutturale
e Stereochimica Inorganica, Università, Milano, 16 November 2001.
Molecular models and simulations of liquid
crystals, "Structure, dynamics and liquid crystals: A seminar in
memory of Pier Luigi Nordio", Università, Padova, 11-12 January
Modellazione e previsione dell'organizzazione
molecolare in sistemi complessi, CNR ISMN, Bologna, 25 February 2002.
Modellazione e simulazione al calcolatore
per nuovi materiali molecolari, Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria
Chimica "Giulio Natta" , Politecnico, Milano, 22 May 2002.
Atomistic and molecular simulations of
liquid crystals, International School of Liquid Crystals, 7th Course,
– Japanese Workshop on Liquid Crystals", SICL-JLCS, Erice (Trapani),
7-10 July 2002.
Computer simulations of real and virtual
liquid crystals, International School of Liquid Crystals, 9th Course,
"Computational Models for Liquid Crystals and Complex Systems",
CECAM Workshop,
Erice (Trapani), 13-17 July 2002.
Aspettative dalla Convenzione INSTM-CINECA,
CINECA/INSTM Workshop, Bologna, CINECA, 6 September 2002.
Atomistic and molecular simulations
of liquid crystals, Centre de Recherche en Electronique et Photonique
Moleculaires, Université de Mons-Hainaut, BE, 30 October 2002.
Molecular models and computer simulations
of calamitic and discotic liquid crystals, International Conference on
Discotic Liquid Crystals, in the 25th Anniversary of Prof. S. Chandrasekhar
discovery, ICTP, Trieste, 25-29 November 2002 .
Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics techniques
for soft materials, Scuola Nazionale Simulazioni Computazionali Multiscala
Applicate alle Scienze dei Materiali, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università,
Modena, 17-18 February 2003.
Modellazione e simulazione di cristalli
liquidi. Quali proprietà si possono prevedere?, ITC-IRST, Centro
per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Trento, 9 June 2003.
Simulazioni Atomistiche e Molecolari
di Fasi Liquido Cristalline, Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche,
XIX Ciclo, Bologna, 19 June 2003.
Computer simulations of some liquid crystal
and polymer liquid crystal models, International School of Liquid Crystals,
10th course, NATO ARW: Computational Methods for Polymers and Liquid Crystalline
Polymers, Erice (Trapani) 16-22 July 2003.
Molecular and atomistic simulations of
liquid crystals: what can be achieved now?, International School of Liquid
Crystals, 10th course, NATO ARW: Computational Methods for Polymers and Liquid
Crystalline Polymers, Erice (Trapani) 16-22 July 2003.
Computer simulations of polar liquid
crystals, 9th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals,
Trinity College, University of Dublin, IE, 24-29 August 2003.
Computer simulations of liquid crystals.
where are we now?, Atomistic Simulation Group, The Queen's University
of Belfast, Belfast, UK, 3 September 2003.
Spin probes in cristalli liquidi, Scuola
GIRSE Fondamenti e Applicazioni della spettroscopia EPR, Sogesta,
Urbino, 19 September, 2003.
Dall’ Oro ai Materiali. La Nuova
Alchimia, Festival della Scienza, Genova, 25 October 2003.
Predicting phase behaviour and molecular
organizations. Some computational Grand Challenges from Soft Materials, CINECA
Grand Challenges Workshop, Bologna, 17 December 2003.
Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics techniques
for soft materials, Scuola Nazionale Simulazioni Computazionali Multiscala
Applicate alle Scienze dei Materiali, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università,
Modena, 17 February 2004.
Computer simulations of liquid crystals.
Where are we now?, Ben Sturgeon Lecture, British
Liquid Crystal Society Annual Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University,
Manchester, UK, 5-7 April 2004.
Materiali liquido cristallini: dalle
molecole alle applicazioni,Dipartimento di Chimica, Università,
Ferrara, 20 May 2004.
Simulazioni Atomistiche e Molecolari
di Cristalli Liquidi, Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche, XX Ciclo,
Bologna, 25 May 2004.
Dalle molecole ai materiali liquido
cristallini. Il ruolo della progettazione molecolare, Dipartimento di
Chimica e Chimica Industriale, Universita', Genova, 15 June 2004.
Computer simulation of liquid crystal
phase behaviour, International School of Liquid Crystals, 11th course,
Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals: effects and surfaces and ferroelectric
subphases, Erice (Trapani), 10-17 July 2004.
Simple models for simulating increasingly
complex liquid crystals, A Chemical Physics Approach to Liquid Crystal.,
A special meeting to celebrate the 65th birthday of G.R. Luckhurst, Southampton,
UK, 29-20 July 2004.
Molecole obbedienti e materiali da inventare,
Inaugurazione Anno Accademico Corso di Laurea in Chimica dei Materiali, Dipartimento
di Chimica “G. Ciamician”, Bologna 7 December 2004.
Molecole obbedienti e materiali da inventare,
Giornate Lincee della Chimica. Materiali molecolari: l'uomo e l'ambiente,
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 27 January 2005.
Simulazioni al Calcolatore per Cristalli
Liquidi, III Scuola Nazionale in Simulazioni Computazionali Multiscala
Applicate alle Scienze dei Materiali, Modena, 18 February 2005.
Molecole obbedienti e materiali da inventare,
Giornate Lincee della Chimica. Materiali molecolari: l'uomo e l'ambiente,
Aula Magna S. Marco, Firenze, 13 April 2005.
Computer simulations of biaxial nematics,
International Symposium on the Manipulation of Advanced Smart Materials
(ISMASM), Nara, Japan, 26-27 May 2005.
Modelling and simulation of liquid crystals
at molecular and atomistic resolution,Gordon
Conference on Liquid Crystals, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA,
June 19-24, 2005 .
Tailoring Molecular Organizations in
Liquid Crystals. Simulations and Reality, 8th European Conference on
Molecular Electronics – ECME8, CNR, Bologna, 29 June - 2 July, 2005.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals
at Various Resolutions, 6th Liquid Matter Conference, Utrecht University,
The Netherlands, 2-6 July 2005.
Molecole obbedienti e materiali da
inventare, ITIS Nullo Baldini, Ravenna, 27 October 2005.
Simulazioni al calcolatore di materiali
liquido cristallini: risultati attuali e nuove sfide, Dipartimento di
Chimica Fisica “F. Accascina”, Università, Palermo, 2 February
Molecole obbedienti e materiali da inventare,
16a Settimana
della Cultura Scientifica, Biblioteca Scientifica Interdipartimentale
dell'Università, Modena, 15 March 2006.
Computer simulations of organized anisotropic
systems, Dipartimento di Fisica e Centro S3, Università, Modena,
11 May 2006
Nanotechnology and smart materials:
designing a different kind of matter, 10th CCT Annual Seminar and Meeting:
Materials for scaffolding of biologically engineered systems, interfaces and
interactions on a nanoscale, Faenza, 25 May 2006.
Cristalli Liquidi: dalle Molecole ai
Display, Ravenna, Liceo Scientifico A. Oriani, 27 May 2006.
Modelling and Computer Simulations of
Liquid Crystals: Beyond Simple Uniaxial Rods, Flexoelectricity
in Liquid Crystals Meeting, Department of Engineering Science, University
of Oxford, UK, 19 September 2006.
Modelling and Computer simulations of
organized anisotropic systems, Infineum Research Centre, Abingdon, Oxford,
UK, 20 September, 2006.
Modelling and Computer Simulations of
Liquid Crystals: Beyond Simple Uniaxial Rods, Oddelek za fiziko, Univerza
v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, SLO, 5 December 2006.
Materiali liquido-cristallini: dalle
molecole agli schermi dei telefonini, IPSSS Melozzo da Forlì,
Forlì, 29 January 2007.
Cristalli Liquidi: dalle Molecole agli
schermi dei telefonini, Ravenna, Liceo A. Oriani, 15 February 2007.
Some Hard Challenges from Soft
Materials, CSC Finland-CINECA Meeting, CINECA,
Bologna, 8 May 2007.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystalline
Materials For Optical Applications, Novel Optical Materials and Applications:
NOMA 2007, Cetraro,3-9 June 2007.
Computer simulations of Liquid Crystals.
What’s New?, 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals: ECLC07,
Lisbon, PT, 2-6 July 2007.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals:
A Powerful Tool, Advances in the Experimental and Theoretical Techniques
for Anisotropic Fluids. 1st School of the Italian Liquid Crystal Society,
ISLC, Erice (Trapani), 26 July – 1 August 2007.
Building up Collective Properties in
Simple Liquid Crystals, Emergence of Function in Molecular Assemblies,
ACS 234th Meeting, Boston, MA, US, 19–23 August 2007.
Computer Simulation of Liquid Crystal
Materials: From Generic to Specifically Decorated Molecular Models, ICCMSE
2007, Corfu', GR, 25 – 30 September 2007.
Simulating Uniaxial and Biaxial Liquid
Crystalsat Different Resolutions, Meeting NMR in Oriented Phases,
Tropea, 3–7 October 2007.
Molecole e Display, Conferenza
"Oasi Felice", Facolta' di Chimica Industriale, Bologna, 14 November
Predicting Phase Organizations and Properties
in Soft Materials, CNR - Dipartimento di Progettazione Molecolare, Progetto
7, Winter Meeting 07, Roma, 23 November 2007.
Predictive Modelling for Liquid Crystals
and Organic Electronics, SAMIC 2007 Meeting, Bressanone, 2–6 December
From generic to predictive modelling
and computer simulations of liquid crystals, Functional liquid crystals.
An International Workshop, Politecnico, Milano, 7 April 2008.
Simulating Liquid Crystals at Various
Resolutions: from Lattice to Atomistic Models , Microsymposium: "Partially
Ordered Systems", Stockholm University, Division of Physical Chemistry,
Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 June 2008.
Computer Simulations:The Monte Carlo
and Molecular Dynamics Methods and some of their Applications, IUSS,
Collegio Borromeo,Pavia, 11 June 2008.
From descriptive to predictive modelling
and computer simulation of liquid crystals, ILCC 2008: 22nd International
Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Korea, 29 June – 4 July 2008.
Molecules and colloidal particles as
building blocks for nano- and micro-organized materials, 4th Japanese
- Italian Workshop on Liquid Crystals, Nara, Japan, 7-9 July 2008.
Recent advances in liquid crystal simulations
at different length scales, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology (AIST), Osaka, Japan, 10 July 2008.
Molecules and colloidal particles as
buildingblocks for nano- and micro-organized materials, CECAM workshop
"New directions in the theory and modelling of liquids crystals",
EPFL, Lausanne, CH, 28-30 July 2008.
Theoretical Chemistry and Complex Systems:
the Challenge of Soft Matter, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 10 September
Theoretical Chemistry and the Challenges
of Soft Matter, Nordio Seminar on Theoretical Chemistry, Dipartimento
di Chimica, Università di Padova, 14 November 2008.
Computer Simulations of Existing and
Not (Yet) Existing Molecular Organizations of Soft Materials, Winter
Modeling 2008, Area della Ricerca del CNR, Pisa,19
December 2008.
Some Hard Challenges from the Computer
Simulation of Soft Materials, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University
of Ljubljana, SLO, 19 January 2009.
MC/MD Techniques for Supramolecular
Assemblies, European Spring School 2009 "Supramolecular Organized
Nanostructured Materials for Optoelectronic Applications", Peñíscola,
ES, 20-24 April 2009.
Modelling and Simulations, Workshop
US NSF Panel on Flexible Hybrid Electronics Visit, CNR, Bologna,
14 May 2009.
The perspectives of modelling and simulations
for device and non-device applications of liquid crystals, ESF Exploratory
Workshop on “Frontiers in European Research on Liquid Crystalline
Soft Matter” LC Lab, Bandol, FR, 26–29 May 2009.
Modelling and simulations for device
and non-device applications of liquid crystals, 9th Mediterranean Workshop
and Topical Meeting “Novel Optical Materials and Applications”
NOMA 2009, Cetraro, 7–13 June 2009.
Detecting and following chirality
in computer simulations of liquid crystals and biomolecules, 21st
International Symposium on Chirality, Breckenridge (CO) US, 12–15
Computer simulations of liquid crystals:
polarity and chirality, 12th International Conference on Liquid Crystals
(FLC-09) “New Challenges in Chiral and Polar Systems”,
Zaragoza, ES, 31 August– 4 September 2009.
Order, shape, chirality and other molecular
observables from computer simulations, NMR in Oriented Phases Meeting,
Tropea, 1-5 October 2009.
Computer simulations of liquid crystals:
displays and beyond, Liquid Crystal Theory and Modelling Discussion meeting,
OCCAM Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics, University of Oxford,
UK, 29–30 October 2009.
Nanotecnologie al computer, Bologna,
Liceo Righi, 24 October 2009.
Computer Simulation of Liquid Crystals
and other Soft Matter Systems, Centre for Modelling, Simulation and Design,
University of Hyderabad, IN, 10 December 2009.
Cristalli Liquidi, ITIS N. Baldini,
Ravenna, 10 February 2010.
From Generic to Atomistic Models for
Liquid Crystals. How relevant are the details?, Workshop “Recent
developments in the analysis and modelling of liquid crystals”, Mathematical
Institute, OxPDE, University of Oxford, UK, 15-16 March 2010.
Obtaining Soft Matter Molecular Organizations
via Computer Simulations, ONE-P Summer School “Organic nanomaterials
for Electronics and Photonics”, ISLC, Erice (Trapani), 13- 20 April
Is Nano Just Very Small?, Interdisciplinary
Seminar in Nephrology and Organ Substitution, Bologna, 22-23 April 2010.
Modelling and simulation of some soft
matter systems, German Research School for Simulation Science, Jülich,
DE,15 June 2010.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystal
Soft Matter, 27th Meeting of the Chinese Chemical Society, Session 14:
Methods and Applications of Theoretical Chemistry, Xiamen University, China,
20 June 2010.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystal
Soft Matter, Fudan University, Shangai, China, 22 June 2010.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystal
Soft Matter, Chem Soc Rev International Symposium, Beihang University,
Beijing, China, 24 June 2010.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystalline
Molecular Organizations: from Generic to Atomistic Models, 5th Japanese
- Italian Workshop on Liquid Crystals, Cetraro, 7-8 July 2010.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals
at various resolutions: Descriptions and predictions, International Liquid
Crystals Conference ILCC 2010, Krakow, PL, 11 July 2010.
Predictive Atomistic Simulations of
Liquid Crystals, International Liquid Crystals Conference ILCC 2010,
Krakow, PL, 15 July 2010.
Liquid crystals organizations from the
bulk to surfaces, Confined Liquid Crystals: Landmarks and Perspectives,
Ljubljana, SLO, 19-20th July 2010.
Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals:
from Generic to Atomistic Models, SPIE, Optics+Photonics 2010, Liquid
Crystals XIV, San Diego, USA, 1-5 August 2010.
Computer simulations of soft matter
molecular organizations, “SUPERIOR” Summer School ‘Design,
synthesis and physico-chemical properties of supramolecularly-engineered nanostructured
materials’, Mons, BE, 1st September 2010.
Descriptive and Predictive Computer
Simulations of Liquid Crystalline Molecular Organizations, 3rd International
Workshop on Liquid Crystals For Photonics, Elche (Alicante), ES, 8-10 September
Computer simulations of soft matter
molecular organizations, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia,
3 December 2010
Cristalli Liquidi e Simulazioni al Calcolatore,
ITIS N. Baldini, Ravenna, 20 December 2010.
Generic to Atomistic Models for Liquid Crystals and their Molecular Organization,
Universität Stuttgart, Institut
für Physikalische Chemie, Stuttgart (DE), 25 January 2011.
Liquid Crystal Properties by Computer
Simulations, 11th European Conference on Liquid Crystals: ECLC11, Maribor,
SLO, 7 February 2011.
to atomistic approaches, "HIERARCHY”
ITN Winter School,University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SLO, 12 February
molecular organisations of liquid crystals and other functional materials
in the bulk and close to interface, "Modeling
of Advanced Materials", SIMNET Styria Multiscale Modeling Symposium,
Graz, AT, 2 May 2011
Simulating molecular organizations in
the bulk and close to interfaces, 10th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical
Meeting “Novel Optical Materials and Applications” NOMA 2011,
Cetraro, June 5–11 2011
Modelling and simulations of device
and non-device applications of liquid crystals, Gordon Research Conference
on Liquid Crystals, Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA, June 19 – 24
Molecular Organizations in Liquid Crystals. Order Parameters, Distributions
and All That,2nd SICL Summer School: “Liquid crystal
nanostructures and self-assembling: from organic electronics to metamaterials”,
ISLC, Erice (Trapani), 3-10 July 2011
Simulations of Liquid Crystals. An Introduction, 2nd
SICL Summer School “Liquid crystal nanostructures and self-assembling:
from organic electronics to metamaterials”, ISLC, Erice (Trapani), 3-10
July 2011
From Generic to Atomistic Models for
Liquid Crystals and their Molecular Organization, Chemistry Department,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 19 July 2011
Lattice and Molecular Simulations of
Liquid Crystals, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
ICIAM 2011, MS326 Advances in Liquid Crystals - Part II of III Vancouver,
BC, Canada, 21 July 2011
Simulations of Liquid Crystals: from Description to Predictions, ICIAM
2011 - MS474Thematic Minisymposium: Liquid Crystals - Part
II of II, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 22 July 2011
simulations of liquid crystals. Where do we stand now?, 14th
International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, OLC2011, Yerevan,
Armenia, 30
September 2011
Liquidi: la Chimica dietro lo Schermo dei Telefonini,
Scienza Giovane, Bologna, 12 November 2011
molecular organisations of liquid crystals and other functional materials
in the bulk and close to interfaces, Institut des Sciences Moléculaires
Université Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, FR, 28 November 2011
molecular organisations of liquid crystals and other functional materials
in the bulk and close to interfaces, 1° Congresso dellaDivisione
di Chimica Teorica e Computazionale della SCI, Pisa, 22-23 Febbraio 2012
molecular organizations of liquid crystals and other functional materials
in the bulk and close to interfaces, State-of-the-Art Algorithms for
Molecular Dynamics, NAIS Centre Workshop, Edinburgh, UK, 2-4 May 2012
molecular organizations of liquid crystals in the bulk and close to interfaces,
XXXV ENFMC 2012, Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil, 14-18 May 2012
simulations of liquid crystals at various resolutions: descriptions and predictions,
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università, Bologna, 24 May 2012
molecular organisations of functional materials in the bulk and close to interfaces,
International MINOTOR Workshop on “Electronic Processes at Interfaces
to Organic Semiconductors: from Modelling to Devices”, University of
Mons, Mons (BE), 29-31 May 2012
molecular organisations of functional materials in the bulk and close to interfaces,
International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals
(ICSM2012), Atlanta, GA, USA, 8-13 July 2012
liquid crystal molecular organizations in the bulk and at interfaces, "Liquid
Crystals, Complex Fluids and Liquid Crystal Elastomers" MiniSymposium,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, 13-14 July 2012
liquid crystal molecular organizations in the bulk and at interfaces, 6th
Japanese–Italian Workshop on Liquid Crystals, Tokyo Science University,
Kagurazaka, Tokyo, Japan,
July 25–27, 2012
crystal molecular organizations: from the bulk to interfaces, 24th International
Liquid Crystal Conference, Mainz, Germany, 19
- 24 August, 2012
Molecular Organisations of Liquid Crystals in the Bulk and at Interfaces,
1st Italian-Brazilian Workshop on Liquid Crystals, International School
of Liquid Crystals 19th Course, Erice (Trapani), 26 – 30 August, 2012
molecular organizations of liquid crystals and other organic functional materials,
TACC-2012 “Theory and Applications in Computational Chemistry”
, University of Pavia, 4 September, 2012
hard computational problems from Soft Matter, ScalPerf’ 12, BiCi,
University Residential Center, Bertinoro, 24 September 2012
Ricerca Computazionale in Italia e PRACE, Fermi Supercomputer Inauguration,
CINECA, Bologna, 3 October 2012
and Liquid Crystals: a Computer Simulation Approach, Workshop “New
Horizons of Colloidal Science:
Fundamentals and Applications”, Sete (Montpellier), France, 17 –
20 October, 2012
grained and atomistic simulations of liquid crystals, School of Chemistry,
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 29 November 2012
silico” liquid crystals in the bulk and at interfaces. 4th Workshop
on Liquid Crystals for Photonics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
(HKUST), Hong Kong, China, 9-11 December 2012
and determining the order of liquid crystals in the bulk and close to interfaces
, Workshop
“Symmetry, Bifurcation and Order Parameters” , Isaac Newton Institute
for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 7 - 11
January 2013
and atomistic simulations of liquid crystals, BLCS-SMTG-INI Workshop
on "Molecular modelling and theory of liquid crystals",
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, UK, 22 March 2013
atomistic simulations of molecular organizations for liquid crystals and other
organic functional materials, CAPE - Centre for Advanced Photonics and
Electronics, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
UK, 16 April 2013
Organizations in the bulk and close to surfaces,Isaac Newton Institute
for Mathematical Sciences,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 6 May 2013
silico” molecular organizations of organic functional materials in the
bulk and at interfaces, IMEC, Leuven, BE, 29 May 2013
silico” liquid crystals in the bulk and at interfaces, 11th Mediterranean
Workshop and Topical Meeting “Novel Optical Materials and Applications”,
NOMA 2013, Cetraro, 11-15 June 2013
e prevedere le proprietà della materia soffice mediante simulazioni
al calcolatore, 83° Corso di orientamento universitario, Scuola Normale
Superiore Pisa e Università degli Studi di Trento, Rovereto, 25-30
August 2013
simulations of Liquid Crystals: from Displays to Organic Electronics,
Industrial Forum for Multiscale Materials Modelling and Training, CINECA,
11 September 2013
and computer simulations of soft complex materials: from liquid crystals to
actuators, ESF Exploratory Workshop on Defect-Assembled Soft Matter for
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenija, 13–16
September 2013
simulations of Liquid Crystals. Where are we now?, University of Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, Slovenija,
17 September 2013
memory of George W. Gray, 12th European Conference on Liquid Crystals,
ECLC-2013, Rhodes, Greece, 22 – 27 September 2013
silico” liquid crystals in the bulk and at interfaces, 12th
European Conference on Liquid Crystals, ECLC-2013, Rhodes, Greece, 22
– 27 September 2013
Crystals at interfaces, 9th Ibero-American Workshop on Complex Fluids
- 2nd Italian-Brazilian Workshop on Liquid Crystals, Maceió, Brazil,
14-18 October 2013
and Coarse Grained Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals: Descriptions and
Predictions, Warwick EPSRC Symposium on Statistical Mechanics: “Computational
coarse-graining of many-body systems" Warwick University, UK, 9-13 December
atomistic simulations of molecular organizations for liquid crystals and other
organic functional materials, Korea-Italy, Symposium "2D-Layered
Structures and Energy: Innovative Issues in Nanosciences", Sungkyunkwan
University, Suwon, Korea, 17 Dec. 2013
open problems for Liquid Crystals in the bulk and close to interfaces, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford, UK, 21 January 2014
of Liquid Crystals, Partial Differential Equations Seminar, Mathematical
Institute, University of Oxford , UK, 27 January 2014
in the molecular organization of organic materials and its effects on charge
transport, CECAM Workshop: Charge transport in organic materials, University
of Bremen, DE, 3 April 2014
Liquid Crystals: Chasing or Guiding Experiments?, Journée scientifique
en l'honneur de Daniel Guillon, IPCMS, CNRS, Strasbourg, FR, 17 Apr. 2014
the molecular organization of organic materials and its effects on charge
transport, E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting
SPG14 O: Computational modelling of organic semiconductors: from the quantum
world to actual devices, Lille, FR, 29 May 2014
modelling and simulations of liquid crystals, MCM3: Multiscale Computational
Methods in Materials Modelling Meeting, ICMS, Edinburgh, UK, 18-20 June 2014
simulations of the order and molecular organizations of liquid crystals. Predictions
and reality, 25th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland, 29 June-4 July 2014
scale modelling and simulations of liquid crystals, 7th Italian-Japanese
Workshop JLCS-SICL on Liquid Crystals, Ravenna, 7 July 2014
Crystals at Interfaces and their Computer Simulation, 5th Workshop on
Liquid Crystals for Photonics, Erice (Trapani), 2-7 September 2014
liquid crystals in the bulk and close to their boundaries, Seminario
di Modelli Matematici per le Applicazioni (MoMA), Dipartimento
di Matematica,
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Roma, 10 October
Modelling and Simulations of Liquid Crystals, Centre for Modelling, Simulation
and Design,
University of Hyderabad, IN, 24 November 2014
Crystals. From molecules to displays and beyond,
GITAM School of Technology, GITAM University, Rudraram, Hyderabad, 25 November
the molecular organization of organic materials and its effects on charge
transport, TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences - TCIS, Hyderabad,
IN, 26 November 2014
simulation of Liquid Crystals close to a Surface, 1st International Conference
on Photoalignment and Photopatterning in Soft Materials: Basic Understanding
and Applications (PhoSM2014), The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, China, 29 November - 2 December, 2014
liquid crystals in the bulk and close to their boundaries, Department
of Molecular Science and Nanosystems, PhD Programme In Chemistry, Ca’
Foscari University, Venezia, 2 February 2015
scale modelling and simulations of liquid crystals,
Laboratoire de Chimie, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, FR, 5 March 2015
liquid crystals in the bulk and close to their boundaries, Dipartimento
di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, 24 April 2015
modelling and simulation of molecular organizations and phase transitions
in functional organic materials, BASF-UNIBO
workshop, DICAM, Università di Bologna, 5 May 2015
ModelIing and Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals, Brazilian Physical
Society Meeting 2015, XXXVIII ENFMC, Sft1 – Complex Fluids in Confined
Geometries, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, 27 May 2015
scale modelling of liquid crystals and of their interfacial behaviour, 12th Mediterranean
Workshop and Topical Meeting "Novel Optical Materials and Applications",
Cetraro, 8 June 2015
Simulations of Liquid Crystals at Interfaces, Liquid Crystals Gordon
Research Conference
“Liquid Crystallinity in Soft Matter at and Beyond Equilibrium”,
University of New England, Biddeford, ME, USA, June 21-26, 2015
Computer Simulations of Soft Matter, Academic
Icon Programme Postgraduate Advanced Research Course, University Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia,
27July- 5 August 2015
liquid crystals in the bulk and close to their boundaries, Academic
Icon Programme,
Department of Chemistry, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5 August
simulations of liquid crystals in the bulk and at their interfaces, CECAM
Workshop: A scientific roadmap for simulation and modelling for 2020, USI-Lugano,
Switzerland, 16-17
September, 2015
ModelIing and Computer Simulations of Liquid Crystals, MolSimEng Molecular
Simulation and Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, 18 September 2015
dal disordine all’ equilibrio e non. Cristalli, sciami e nanomotori,
Festival della Scienza, Genova, 29 Ottobre 2015
liquid crystals in the bulk and close to a surface, Supramolecular Soft
Materials Workshop,
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, 11 January 2016
simulations of liquid crystals in the bulk and close to interfaces, Dipartimento
di Chimica e Biologia, Università di Salerno, Salerno, 2 February
molecular organizations in thin organic films, Workshop in Memoriam of
Carlo Taliani, CNR, Bologna, 8 June 2016
crystals at a border, 3rd Italian-Brazilian Workshop on Liquid Crystals, Portonovo
(AN), 20-21 June 2016
Alignment and Anisotropic Wetting of Liquid Crystals, 8th Japanese-Italian
Liquid Crystal Workshop JILCW2016, Kyoto, 5-7 July 2016
liquid crystals close to a surface, 26th International Liquid Crystal
Conference, Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA, 31 July-
5 August 2016
Simulations of Liquid Crystals at Interfaces, (keynote lecture)
SPIE Optics and Photonics- Liquid Crystals XX, San Diego, CA, USA, 28-31 August
up Simulations of Liquid Crystal Anisotropic Wetting and Surface Alignment,
6th Workshop on Liquid Crystals for Photonics, Jozef Stefan Institute,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14-16th September 2016
of liquid crystals, International
"A Life in Liquid Crystals" in honour of Professor John Goodby,
FRS, Chemistry Department, University of York, UK, 22 September 2016
Simulation of Ordering and Alignment of Liquid Crystals at Surfaces,
PhoSM 2016 Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 24-27 November 2016
up modelling of liquid crystals, “Liquid
Crystals - Past, Present and Future” Meeting, Chuo University, Korakuen
Campus, Tokyo, Japan, 28 November 2016.
liquid crystals at a border, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford,
7 February 2017
chirality always needed to obtain twisted molecular organizations?, TWISTED
2017, Campus Limpertsberg, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 10 –
12 May 2017
Crystals at Interfaces, Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università
di Roma, 20 June 2017
Simulations of Liquid Crystals at a Surface, European Conference on Liquid
Crystals, ECLC2017
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 25-30 June 2017
the Molecular Organizations of Thin Organic Films, IPOE-2017 Interface
Properties in Organic Electronics: Key Challenges, (keynote lecture)
Cergy-Pontoise University, France, July 10-13, 2017
Lecture 1,
Bottom Up Models of Liquid Crystals, CECAM-ISLC School: Liquid Crystal
Modelling and Simulation: A Comprehensive Introduction, E. Majorana Centre,
(Trapani) , July
14-19, 2017
Lecture 2,
Molecular Models of Liquid Crystals, CECAM-ISLC School: Liquid Crystal
Modelling and Simulation: A Comprehensive Introduction, E. Majorana Centre,
(Trapani), July
14-19, 2017
Lecture 3,
Predictive Atomistic Modelling of Liquid Crystals, CECAM-ISLC School:
Liquid Crystal Modelling and Simulation: A Comprehensive Introduction, E.
Majorana Centre, Erice
(Trapani), July
14-19, 2017
Crystals Device Applications and Computer Simulations, Facoltà
di Ingegneria, Sapienza,
Roma, 10 November 2017 Placard
Simulations of Liquid Crystals at Interfaces, National Chiao-Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan,
12 December 2017
Simulations of Liquid Crystals at Interfaces, Tamkang University, Tamsui,
Taiwan, 13 December 2017
up modelling of liquid crystals: from molecules to applications, Taiwan
Liquid Crystal Society Annual Meeting (keynote lecture),
Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, 15 December 2017
molecules to thin organic films. A computer simulation approach, EXTMOS
EU-US Workshop, Sherrerd Hall, Princeton University, USA, 9-12 July, 2018
and Simulations of Liquid Crystals. From Molecules to Devices, Tutorial
Lecture at ILCC2018, Kyoto, Japan, 22-27 July 2018
modelling and computer simulations of liquid crystals. a series of 4
lectures at Advanced School on Theories and Applications of Liquid Crystals,
Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli 3-7 September 2018.
Crystals and Organic Electronics, 9th Italian-Japanese Workshop on Liquid
Crystals, Università
Pavia, Pavia, 16-18 September, 2018.
we predict the formation of ordered molecular structures from disorder? The
role of supercomputing , Scuole di Dottorato, UNIMORE, Modena, 5 December
prediction of molecular organizations in thin organic films, Optimal
design of complex materials,
Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, 14-18 January 2019
simulations of molecular organizations in thin organic films, School
of Chemistry, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 22 March 2019.
simulations of the molecular organizations in thin organic films, Maxwell
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK,29 March 2019placard
and soft packing in the molecular organization of liquid crystals, Newton
Institute, Cambridge, UK, 3 April 2019
Up Modelling of Liquid Crystal and Device Applications, Optimal
Design of Soft Matter Workshop,
Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, 13-17 May 2019.
Liquid Crystal Elastomers and Azobenzene Photoresponse, International
Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference ILCEC 2019, Eindhoven, NL, 15-18 September
up modelling of liquid crystals: from molecules to applications, Department
of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, University, Loughborough,
17 October 2019.
up predictive modelling of liquid crystals and other functional materials:
from molecules to applications, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China, 12 November 2019.
up predictive modelling of liquid crystals and other functional materials:
from molecules to applications,Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering,
Peking University, Beijing, China, 13 November 2019.
simulations and our understanding of liquid crystal behavior, Zoom
online Tutorial Lecture, OLC2021, Okinawa,
Japan, 26 September 2021
al calcolatore di cristalli liquidi, MS Teams online lecture, Laurea
magistrale in Ingegneria dei Materiali, Simulazione Molecolare di Materiali,
Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, 3 December 2021